
Therapeutic Art Workshops



As much as the physical body requires certain nutrients to survive, so does the human soul. Painting, just like many of the arts, is therapeutic. It provides a conduit to emotional release. This is well demonstrated in how painting is being utilized today as a means of therapy and rehabilitation.

These workshops are designed to give anyone an enjoyable start to enjoy the benefits of painting. Whether you are picking up a brush for the first time or coming back to it after a long time, these workshops will boost your creative confidence.

By using an open ended, personalized approach we are able to shape the painting process by employing simple and suitable Montessori Based techniques, resources and sources of inspiration in response to the needs of each individual. The goal is to facilitate opportunities to create art and give voice to expression through the arts.

These workshops are conducted in group settings. Participants enjoy sharing and talking about their work with each other. In turn these qualities contribute to the expression of positive feelings, improved self esteem, sense of purpose and accomplishment and improved communication.

Joy lies in the process of making art not in the end product.

Enjoy the process and reap the benefits of making art and appreciating art.